Python commands for grass gis
Python commands for grass gis

python commands for grass gis

This, of course, means reprojecting the data which is slow so an alternative is to use ST_Distance_Sphere which approximates the calculation in decimal degrees for us. latitude/longitude) and we want to do the calculation based on metres.

python commands for grass gis

The use of the geography keyword buildings.geom::geography is needed because our data is in WGS84 (i.e. It returns true if the geometries are within the specified distance of one another. ST_DWithin within is the PostGIS function doing all the work here. So this is a fairly standard looking SQL query - we select fields we need from the two tables buildings and landuse with some constraints as provided by the WHERE. ST_DWithin(buildings.geom::geography, landuse.geom::geography, 50) Lets repeat this process for the landuse.shp file: SELECT AddGeometr圜olumn( '', 'buildings', 'geom', '0', 'MULTIPOLYGON',2) ➜ shp2pgsql buildings.shp buildings | headįield fid is an FTDouble with width 11 and precision 0ĪLTER TABLE "buildings" ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid)

Python commands for grass gis